Action Figures

Action Figures

Schleich 3 Knights #40995

Schleich 3 Knights #40995 is a popular product. Most people who purchased the Schleich 3 Knights #40995 are happy with the quality of this product.

  • Meticulously handpainted
  • True to life modelling
  • for ages 3 and up
  • approx. 3 1/2" high

The World of Knights

his sword behind his shield, this Foot Soldier prepares for a sneak attack.

Fiercely fighting, the Foot Soldier is covered in protective armor. From his head to his toes, the Soldier is suited in the coat of arms for which he stands. Schleich's Foot Soldier will swing his sword in battles to come.

The World of Knights

Hellebardier...Without a helmet, the Guard takes a swing at enemy soldiers.

Gallantly guarding what he is entrusted with, the soldier wields a Halberd. Imagine the attacks he faces daily. Whatever the responsibility, Schleich's Guard won't let down.

The World of Knights

Knight with big sword
Protected from attacks thanks to his armor, this Knight is armed with a sword.

Well-suited for a duel, the Knight is covered in plate armor. As he wields his sword beneath his heavy metal coat, he shows off his skills. Schleich's Knight will be an influential addition to any army.

Schleich 3 Knights #40995

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